s we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our club’s foundation, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who have supported our club to this day.

On the other hand, as important a milestone as the 50th anniversary may be, it should also be regarded as just a stepping stone to our greater future. What is essential for us hereafter is to inherit our “spirit” for creating wonderful traditions that has been cultivated for the past fifty years. We may find that some of these traditions created by that “spirit” in the past may need to be updated to fit today's world.

In this symbolic year of the 50th anniversary, I sincerely hope to be able to help our club make a fresh start into the future of further growth.

It is with this hope in mind that I have chosen my presidential slogan, “50th Anniversary of Foundation: Appreciation, and To the Future!”.

Moreover, many volunteer and social activity projects are planned for this fiscal year. Needless to say, all projects aim for successful outcomes, and in order to achieve this goal, the participation of all members in as many projects as possible is essential.

I have proposed my activity guidelines to all members with this intention, quoting, with a small alteration, the inaugural address of the 39th President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy. “Ask not what our Rotary club can do for us ; ask what we can do for our Rotary club !”

I pledge to do everything to the best of my meager ability, so that all members will be able to realize Rotary’s ideal of Service Above Self, smiling and hand in hand, on this 50th anniversary year.

I humbly ask for and deeply appreciate the cooperation and support of all members.

President Kotaro Nakano’s slogan

President Kotaro Nakano’s slogan

Past Club Slogans and Basic Policies