pon starting my service in the position of the president for the years of 2019 and 2020, I have set the slogan as “Selflessness”.
The dictionary defines the word “Selflessness” as “being disinterested, or being fair.” This, I thought, was a truly suitable word to describe the Rotary spirit, and hence I chose it as the slogan.
There are only two policies for this year.
The first of them would definitely be the membership development. When carrying out any Rotary activities, we won’t be able to start anything unless we have people to do them. We need each one of our members to think about the membership development as a familiar issue and put effort in it individually, not just leaving it up to the Membership Development Committee alone.
Moreover, when we succeeded in increasing the number of our members, the next most important issue would be to deepen our Fellowship. We need to arrange programs for wide generations of members to deepen fellowship together, not just for the same age group or contemporaries.
My hope is to build a club that has many such occasions.
Fortunately, our club has some groups (places for interaction) that many members join despite their age differences, such as the Golf Group and the Music Band. Especially the big band KRSD is an extraordinary group for the member interaction. I wish to carry out more Fellowship programs for the members as well as volunteer activities utilizing the KRSD well. Hope you all will join me in many of them.